Sunday, February 3, 2008

"Subject" Sketch

A piece of work that i did for "Subject" --he is the main guy actually-- , also a close look to the first step of my banner.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Subject" Sequientals

Here are some sequientals from "Subject" , which i've told a post ago. Last one is thought as the cover but that is not the complete version of it. (a strong candidate though.)

Untitled Pinup

This is an explosion scene from a project ("Subject") i worked on last year. Project has failed and i've decided to put this one on. This is one of the stuff i inked rarely. Enjoy it , inked!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Dynamo 5

I really appreciate Mahmud's work and i've decided to work on Dynamo 5 , which Jay Faerber and Mahmud A. Asrar co-created , a little bit and this is the final version. I was harsh on myself to decide the foreground of this pinup because of my inability to draw wrists and combine it with hands but i gained my courage back and finished the whole arm. I know it isn't that good but , hey , it isn't that bad either :)

Hellboy: Death to Hitler!

I've finished this finally and i am officially dead right now. I'd passed through lots of complicated steps to find the concept of paper and the perspective. Also , i know this pic is barely seen 'cause i haven't ink that yet but , for now , you can click on the thumbnail and largen it. Enjoy!

Savage Dragon

This is my 'little' dragon above. I've done it a year ago and i can easily see my mistakes if i look at it. But hey , thing is , i am glad to see that i put a lot on me in a year and it goes on.. Don't mention that i got the fin wrong , do not push it! :)

Hawaiian Dick

This is the Hawaiian Dick , from Image , pinup i've done recently. It was a quick sketch (except window) and unfortunately , i couldn't ink it at all.